BAPR Mission

Brewster Association of Part Time Residents' mission is to:
Inform members of Town and Cape Cod issues of importance.
Provide members a voice in local Brewster Town affairs.
Improve communication and cooperation between members and the Town of Brewster.
Use member resources and skills to the maximum benefit of the Town

We support our members:
We have opposed discriminatory taxes and improved our members' awareness of Town activities and issues pertinent to non-resident taxpayers.
We support our Town:
Our members believe in supporting the Town of Brewster. Since 2006 BAPR has donated to Brewster over $25,000. Some of the more notable contributions include:
  • $4,500 for the purchase of three Automatic Emergency Defilibrators (AED's) - to be located at the Library, Town Hall and Senior Center.
  • $4,000 to Town Fuel Assistance Program.
  • $1,000 to the restoration effort of The Brewster Meeting House (First Parish Church).
  • $3,000 to the Council of aging.
  • $2,000 to the Brewster White Caps.
  • $1,500 towards windows in the Town Hall.
  • $1,000 to the Crosby Mansion for furniture restoration.
  • $1,700 to the Town to purchase spectator benches, and picnic tables for the new baseball field at the Stony Brook School.
  • $750 to the Brewster Ladies Library.
  • $250 to the Brewster Pond Stewards 

Plus numerous other donations throughout the years. 
We will continue to be your voice to the Town of Brewster government.

Follow us on Facebook for more information and activities of our members.